Any installation begins with layout and preparation.

Establishing the pattern, working with the modules of the tiles and figuring out where to start! And you thought you’d never use that high school algebra and geometry!

The tiles in the alcove are cut to length to end at the open doorway. This is to allow for an expansion joint. The alcove floor is as part of the radiant floor heating system and will be warm. The floor in the loft is NOT a part of the radiant floor heating system and therefore will be cool.
Due to these thermal differences, there needs to be a flexible expansion joint between these two floor surface areas to allow for expansion and contraction of the tiles.

Once the overall plan is agreed upon, and the cuts are made, the full tiles are laid out to see how grout spacing, tile modules and overlap pattern will work out in the full dimension of the space. A few slight adjustments and then it’s time to spread the mortar and make the leap of faith!

Spin Doctors assist in leveling large tiles. The black part is set into the mortar and has a threaded shaft. The adjoining tiles are set into place and then the red part is screwed down onto the surface of both tiles, bringing them into horizontal alignment. Once the mortar is set up, you go back and unscrew the red unit to remove it (this part can be reused) and then tap the threaded shaft off of the black part, leaving the flat plate set into the mortar bed beneath the tiles. Grout as usual!

My husband, Jim, got the job of cutting tiles to fit - outside in the snow! He also ran the stairs with supplies, cut tiles and other such items as were necessary in the process.
And on, and on, and on until your knees ache, your arms are screaming and you can’t take any more! And then, you’re putting in the very last tile!