With the loft floor all grouted and cleaned up, Jim could work on the door frame and other trim in the loft bathroom. We know there are many of you who are waiting for this convenience (or for some of you, necessity) to be completed and ready for use before you’ll come see us. Believe me, we want it to be usable as soon as possible too.
Those middle of the night trips to the basement bathroom or out to the washhouse are treacherous!

Jim builds all his own door frames.
This is because he has also designed all of our trim details! Although his designs use standard lumber sizes, the overall completed unit is custom. All of this is done by cutting, gluing, shaping, routing, etc. in the shop in the basement of the house on The Ridge. Once again requiring that all the materials are purchased and at hand when he begins a new phase of any of these projects.
The door frame is wood but all the trim inside the bathroom is PVC. This material will stand up to the wet conditions of the bathroom better than wood. It also lends itself to being easily shaped.
So Jim has eased all the edges of the vertical trim elements and then caulked all joints.

Taking special care to cut accurate angles and have all the trim pieces meet in alignment and in plane, makes for a clean, customized installation. This little bathroom will not only meet the midnight needs, we’re hoping it will give its occupants creature comforts and a little joy too!

Check out the view we’ll have sitting on the toilet with the door open! Just kidding - maybe not..